29 March 2010

28 March 2010
23 March 2010
Mountain: Gunung Datuk
Height: 870m/2900ft
Location: Rembau, Negeri Sembilan.
Date : 21 March 2010
Gunung Datuk is a mountain with height of 880 meters (2900 feets) from sea level. It is my first mountain hiking (approximately 1 hour and half).
Each person need to pay RM3 as entrance fees (car park is FREE) and required registration for safety and record purposes.
It actually takes longer to get there than to hike up the mountain. Gunung Datuk isn't a mountain (don't know how it earned the "gunung" title) as it is really just a hill with a height of 870m. So the trek time isn't very long. Trekking at a moderate speed will take 2½ hours two-ways. We have made it to the top in less than an hour before. So this can be considered a fairly easy trek.
The trail is really straightforward as there's one clear path leading all the way to the peak. It's well-trodden and pretty wide, so trekkers should not get lost nor get tangled with thorny plants. Along the way, there's a patch of yam plants where the leaves stand out from among the common jungle tropical flora.
The best part of the trek is at the peak. There is no beirut, nor muddy ground, nor tall trees and bushy shrubs to block one's view. Formed by several gigantic granite boulders (that's really not the word coz they are much bigger than what the word suggests), the area around the peak is spacious. Whoever braves the few rungs of metal ladders and sits at the peak will be offered a 360-degree view. On a clear day, one can see the Seremban town and as far as the Straits of Malacca.
Once at the top, be prepared for for some of the strongest winds on an open mountain top. After the walk up, sitting with the strong cool winds blowing in you face is truly a refreshing experience.

15 March 2010
13 March 2010