Today 6 of May means that my practicum end here. Time flies so fast and never wait. I'm still feel like I'm new here.
Actually, I already fulfill 4months and 1weeks of my time to finish my practicum. All the experiences will keep in my heart forever.
During my practicum, I must behave like a Psychology Officer to be,
During my practicum, I know the real of working situation,
During my practicum, I use all the skill that I learn before,
During my practicum, I do work for any administration scope,
During my practicum, I handle counseling session as much as I can,
During my practicum, I gave motivation talk to students,
All of this, is not easy for me but I must try and believe with myself. Challenging is a part of our life.

What I already achieve today never comes without any support. For this time I would like to dedicate my thankful to Mr. Muhammad Faizal Fadly Bin Saari my supervisor at Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah which is the leader of Counseling and Guidance Unit for all his taught, guidance and support for me to complete this practicum successfully.
Special appreciation also goes to Madam Norhazaiwati Binti Ahmad Teridi, Psychology Officer at there for all support and be my good listener when I feel I cannot do certain task. You be at my side and your encouragement make me feel strong to face with all the challenge.
A great thankful goes also to my supervisor from my university, Prof.Madya Dr. Sharifah Meriam Binti Syed Akil and all trainee counselor at there. Our friendship will be the best moments in my life forever. We already experiences with all sad and happy moments together.
To all students or clients thanks you so much for all your help especially in completing my counseling session. Everyone of you are great and I will miss all the memories with all of you.

Lots of Love,
Counseling and Guidance Unit, Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
(3 January - 6 May 2011)
psssttt:- even practical dh hbs, still byk lg cite2 yg belum dicoretkan di blog ini utk kngn masa dpn