Recently, I got the opportunity to watch film entitle : Balada Gadis HIV. The film was about one hour. My friends and I needed to watch that film because it had a relation with our courses for this semester which is Counseling for Moral Rehabilitation. After finished watching my friends and I needed to make a reflection based on that film.
What can I shared the film is about a child who never got any guidance and right direction since she was a child. She also got a bad moment in their child's life because had been raped by her father. That incident was the beginning she came into drug and immoral activities. I feel so sad to watch that kinds of situation that needed to face by her.
After many years been in that situation, she got "hidayah" to change her life. Actually she is not alone to face that. Many people willing to help her back to God and learn to be in right direction. AADK almost giving the readiness to help that kind of person. I also attract with one woman who is Madam Arfidah Binti Abd. Latiff. She giving of her life to help people back to the right direction.
I still remembered I met with her at Rumah Sinar Salam last semester. She actually was my friend's interviewee while I made an interview with her husband. I went there with others two of my friends Sakinah and Aziela to finish my assignment for subject Counseling for Drug Rehabilitation. Both of them were really acceptance to give cooperation for us to make an interview. The interview running smoothly until 11 pm.
I went there after Maghrib Prayer and got the opportunity to meet with HIV's child who was born that morning. The child is not innocent but who actually should be blame in that case??
Madam Arfidah also brought us to see other child who stay at there. There have one hundred and plus plus children who stay there. She also told there are other three places like that already opened by her and husband. The motive only one to give them place to live and to bring back their way of life.
I feel excited to have this experience with my friends. Can you imagine I walked with my friends in Lorong Haji Taib 3 around crazy right. Actually I feel scared but in the other part there also have a brave in myself and also my friends. I do not know whether I will do that kinds of experience again in my life.
Through the journey I can see variuos kinds of people with their own style and the colourful of was bad in my view. They do not ignore about time and still walk and talk around the road.
From this experience, I really proud with Encik Raja Azizan Suhaimi and Puan Arfidah in their contribution to help child, teenager, men and women who involved in drug abuse to get back the right way of life.
Who are really-really willingness to help that kinds of people (drug addicts, HIV)??????...Person, People, Committee, Police, Counselor.....