Since my friends and I already finishing our first month in practicum area, there will be a first supervision from our supervisor end of month.
For the first supervision @ spot check, she will come and see my progress in this practicum.
Just this morning, she called and mention that she want to meet six from ten of her supervisee in UiTM Shah Alam. All of us need to be there because she did not have enough time to go for various of organization.
Luckily, she just want to check our daily log book only (huh...selamat). Actually I already completed it by last Sunday.
She checked one by one and gave a few comments on our daily log book. She also asked about our organization and how we adapt with the new enviroment.
Finishing for the part one, will be waiting for second spot check this coming March. Hope everything will be ok.
My supervisor for my practicum
(Prof.Madya Dr.Sharifah Meriam Binti Syed Akil)
My daily log book

All of us...we came from different of organizations and met at UiTM Shah Alam. Enjoying our first supervision. Overall, thumbs up to all of you because made our supervisor satisfied with us.

Ruzana & Insyirah (UiTM Shah Alam), Shukruna & Me (Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah), Adila & Syasya (UniKL, MIAT).
psssttt: bersiap sedia mencari klien utk spot check part 2. Sesi Kaunseling in english version need to be prepared...huhu
For the first supervision @ spot check, she will come and see my progress in this practicum.
Just this morning, she called and mention that she want to meet six from ten of her supervisee in UiTM Shah Alam. All of us need to be there because she did not have enough time to go for various of organization.
Luckily, she just want to check our daily log book only (huh...selamat). Actually I already completed it by last Sunday.
She checked one by one and gave a few comments on our daily log book. She also asked about our organization and how we adapt with the new enviroment.
Finishing for the part one, will be waiting for second spot check this coming March. Hope everything will be ok.

(Prof.Madya Dr.Sharifah Meriam Binti Syed Akil)

All of us...we came from different of organizations and met at UiTM Shah Alam. Enjoying our first supervision. Overall, thumbs up to all of you because made our supervisor satisfied with us.

Ruzana & Insyirah (UiTM Shah Alam), Shukruna & Me (Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah), Adila & Syasya (UniKL, MIAT).
psssttt: bersiap sedia mencari klien utk spot check part 2. Sesi Kaunseling in english version need to be prepared...huhu