What do you feel if people reward you with an award, even the award we cannot hold it by our hand or on the stage?? That happen through blogging when other blogger reward with such a nice and special award to us. The award will give and sent through shout mix or comment box to inform that blogger you are rewarded.
For me, even the award just a picture only but it really special to get it. Through an award it build a strength to keep blogging always. Blogging is such an interesting activities to share and fulfill our ample time.
My first award "Anugerah Blogger Harapan" come from Cik Tom. I just know her through blog walking but she is really friendly blogger. We build our friendship through blog and she will drop by when she come to my blog. Lets visit her nice and cute blog too.
The second one "Addicted Blog Award" come from Kak Yong. A mother of three children from Ipoh, Perak. I enjoy to come and read her blog because her blog come with many information such as blog tutorial, recipe, any tips and some more. Do visit her blog too Inilah Kisahku dan Kesayanganku.
ouhh skang da ada award baru, tahinah awak >.<
fofulernyerr cik affieza tewww.. kanns ;-)
thanks for being my friend too :)
dah tampal yer.. kakyong pun ari ni menampal award juga.. ;)
Enna: welcome
en_me: popular ke??? huhu
Cik Tom: happy to have u as my friend
Kak Yong: ye ke?? sama2 lah kita menampal hari ni ekh..hihi
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