Bukit Tabur is a hill located in Taman Melawati, Malaysia. It is also known locally as Bukit Hangus. The hill is very prominent and could be seen from the Kuala Lumpur Middle Ring Road 2.The hill, which is less than 1000 meters, is a quartz ridge. Climbers enter the hiking trail via Kampung Klang Gates, 50 meters from the gates of the Klang Gates Dam, at the back of Taman Melawati for a quick 3-4 hours climb. The Gombak Forest Reserve and Klang Gates Dam are beside the hill. The peak offers spectacular view of the dam. (Wikipedia)

The trail starts just after this small concrete Wall.

Climbers enter the hiking trail via Kampung Klang Gates, 50 meters from the gates of the Klang Gates Dam, at the back of Taman Melawati for a quick 3-4 hours climb. The Gombak Forest Reserve and Klang Gates Dam are beside the hill. The peak offers spectacular view of the dam.

The hike is challenging but enjoyable.
seronoknya wat aktiviti macam ni ;)
adoiiii. the last time i hiked was masa form 4 - which was mcm berkurun2 lamanya dahulu... haha :P
xminat sgt aktiviti mcm ni, tp at least dlm seumur hidup, bole la buat skali. dpt merasa :)
are you sure the '3-4 hours' climbing is a quick one.. turun pown dah 3-4 jam jugakk.. ahaha
tapi sonok kanns.. ehehe
@Dini: I love this activity as well..
@K.Syigim: depend on people gk whether they like or not this activity but you got that experience even for long time ago...
@en_me: naik je yg lama bcoz it was very challenging but turun only take 20 minutes...ni bg org2 yg turun smbil berlari mcm ktorg...huhu
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