7 May 2012 @ 1.08 am
A little tiny girl
was sent from God
To fill our happiness
It all started the moment you opened your eyes
A life filled with fun
To explore all adventures of your curious mind

Congratulation my cousins
now that you have a brand new daughter
To my aunt
Hope the new granddaughter
Will bring you so much pleasure
With all my heart and love
Welcome to our big family dear

tahniah tuu dh jadi mak sedara kanns.. ehheee
dah jadik mak sedara..nak panggil ape? mak ngah, mak long? ke akak jeklah..heheh
congrats. A new born always makes other people happy.
congrats for the new born baby :)
plg suka bau baby.............. :)))
@hajiMete: tq...mak sepupu lah..hihi
@K.Maya: mak sepupulah...panggil cik long versi pelat jd yong...hehe
@K.Nur: thanks...agree
@CIK TOM: thanks...
@K.Syigim: samaaaa....hihi
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