What is money?
M - Million
O - One hundred thousands
N - Ninety thousands
E - Eighty thousands
Y - Yes, I am the millionaire
How to manage it?
P - Plan to use for what and when to use
L - List down the things that we need first
A - Attitude towards using money
N - Now, lets saving money for our future
What about the objective of financial?
In the short term - using it for my study
In the moderate term - buying a car
In the long term - buying a house
M - Million
O - One hundred thousands
N - Ninety thousands
E - Eighty thousands
Y - Yes, I am the millionaire
How to manage it?
P - Plan to use for what and when to use
L - List down the things that we need first
A - Attitude towards using money
N - Now, lets saving money for our future
What about the objective of financial?
In the short term - using it for my study
In the moderate term - buying a car
In the long term - buying a house
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