Exam comes again...tomorrow will be my final exam. After one semester came to lecture and tutorial, now it's time to be test my achievement for this semester.
This semester, I'm in Semester 7. It means that this is the last exam that I will sit as a degree students. Next semester, which is the last semester I will be in practical area. So, no more exam...huhu
For this semester, I took three subjects including Current Social Issues, Moral Rehabilitation Counseling and Workplace Counseling. Even only three subjects, but it quite tough to me. You know why??? This three subjects will test on how far my understanding to deal with a various kinds of clients with various of problems. Therefore, I need to make a treatment plan for them.
It sound difficult, but I'm trying my best to answer it very well. Hopefully, the question is easy and I can answer it with a good answer. To all my lovely frenz, Counseling Fourth Year Student "All the best and Gud Luck". Pray for my success!!!

This semester, I'm in Semester 7. It means that this is the last exam that I will sit as a degree students. Next semester, which is the last semester I will be in practical area. So, no more exam...huhu
For this semester, I took three subjects including Current Social Issues, Moral Rehabilitation Counseling and Workplace Counseling. Even only three subjects, but it quite tough to me. You know why??? This three subjects will test on how far my understanding to deal with a various kinds of clients with various of problems. Therefore, I need to make a treatment plan for them.
It sound difficult, but I'm trying my best to answer it very well. Hopefully, the question is easy and I can answer it with a good answer. To all my lovely frenz, Counseling Fourth Year Student "All the best and Gud Luck". Pray for my success!!!
Don't forget to recite the doa before answer the questions....hihi...

dan limpahilah ke atas kami khazanah rahmatMu,
wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Wahai Tuhanku, tambahkanlah ilmuku dan luaskanlah kefahamanku.
Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah dadaku dan mudahkanlah urusanku
Good luck Fiza.
gud luck....
all the best! :)
gudluck tewww..
Thanks 4 all the wish...
Fiza amik course apa?
gud luck & semoga dpt menjawab dgn hati nan lapang
K.Yong: amik course Counseling...thanks...
tak lambat rasanye nk ucapkan gud luck...
dah abis exam lum??good luck ye!!
Pencacai Alim: Tq..
Cik Tom: dh abs pn..btw thanks 4 the wish
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