Today, my faculty which is Faculty of Leadership and Management organized a day with customers. A day with customers means that all lecturers, staffs and students in FKP can interact with people closely. All program in this faculty needed to participate by open a booth at the foyer FKP. There were four booth include Dakwah and Management Program, Counseling Program, Communication Program and Special Program For Drug Abuse (SPADA).My friends and I involve at Counseling Program's booth.
The Counseling's booth provided free counseling service to all customers who want to have a session. This booth prepared eight counselors to handle the session but unfortunately there has no client want to have the session. I don't know why. Is it they might think that people will view them as "org bermasalah"??? or they have a problem but feel very shy to share??? Maybe they do not believe to the counselor or think that counselor will tell other people about their problem. Come on...counselor has their ethic that need to be obey. So, don't feel afraid to see a counselor. The existing of counselor is to help and guide people in a good way. Dearest future counselor this will be the challenging in our career for future...lets prepare our self to face with this situation.

The objective of this day was to ensure that customers can get further information about this faculty. The committee provided a board with a brief information about the faculty. The information that people will know when they come is about history, mission, vision and also the organization's structure from dean to the staff. Each program also has their leader of the program and other lecturer through the program. So, all the information on the board, customers just came and read it.

The committees also provided various kinds of game to avoid customers from bored. There have chess, "congkak" and some more. Many customers came and play that game. They enjoyed the game. This foyer was fulfill with the customers around noon because they came and play the game that provided there.

It will not complete without a competition. So, the organizer also organized various of competition like the creative picture, khat written and "ImamMuda" . It was not bad, because the competition was participated by a students and staff too. Vice of Dean came in the evening to give an appreciation speech to all people who involved on that day and end by Prizes Ceremony.

At noon, we joined the bellly dancing fitness conducted by Madam Kareelawati who is one of lecturer in FKP. For the first time in that activity, made me feel so happy because the dance was very interesting and enjoyable. To all women lets try it because it have a lot of benefits to us. Health, Beauty!!!
The best moment on this day, My friends Fatonah and Hafisah including me got lucky draw..huhu really not expected all of us will get that lucky draw but thanks to God. Today are our luck how about next time???
The best moment on this day, My friends Fatonah and Hafisah including me got lucky draw..huhu really not expected all of us will get that lucky draw but thanks to God. Today are our luck how about next time???
psssttt:- tak sia2 duduk, berdiri, berjalan di foyer spjg hr ni krn dpt gk lh sijil penghargaan..tu yg syok!!! nk jg booth lg tak ekh pasni???