The objective of this visit are:-
1) Give exposition about counseling in the organization
2) Get an information about counseling in workplace
3) Get an information about application in psychological measurement in workplace
4) Learn about the way to create counseling and guidance in workplace
5) Improve in communication skills and understands the working environment in organization
For the first trip, we went to IPK Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. We went to Bahagian Agama Dan Kaunseling (BAKA).
" Bahagian Agama Dan Kaunseling (BAKA) PDRM direalisasikan hasil daripada Laporan Suruhanjaya Penambahbaikan Perjalanan dan Pengurusan PDRM pada 13 Mei 2005. Dalam laporan ini, ia mencadangkan agar Cawangan Agama ditubuhkan adalah untuk meningkatkan pembangunan kerohanian dan moral anggota polis. Penubuhan BAKA bertujuan melaksanakan program-program dakwah, pembangunan keluarga, kebajikan dan kemasyarakatan untuk warga PDRM"

The program running smoothly and starting by the chairman En.Syahir who gave a brief view about BAKA. After that, the talk begin by Leader in BAKA, DSP Shamsiah Bt Yusoff. She explain about BAKA and also about workplace counseling. She delivered her talk very well and I really satisfied. The program end by appreciation talk from my lecturer, En. Mohd Zaliridzal B. Zakaria.

My friends and I was divided into two part in the hall. The hall called as "Dewan As- Syams". The pic show that all students gave attention to the talk that given by the speaker in front. There also held a Q&A section where the students asked for the question to get more information.

We also got the opportunity to visit counseling room at there. There provided two counseling room for the client to have the session. Client can come and make their session in that room.
Before leave the place, we take a chance to have a photo with leader of this unit, ASP Chumil Bt. Mohd Saad and Psychology Officer, Miss Kavitha A/P Aruchunan.
For other pics, lets watch the video that I get from staff in BAKA, IPK Seremban.
Salam sis..
Nice video..hehehehe...;-)) Do visit us again..!
Video ciplak..huhu...=)
InsyaAllah next time..
Salam..Eppi..found!!! hebat blog dio nyo...ganah2..jangan lupo melawat blog ambo lak...
Wslm...thanx biasa2 jer...
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