
31 December 2010


Al-Fatihah for my grandfather who passed away yesterday

Day: Thursday
Date: 30 December 2010 @ 24 Muharram 1432H
Time: 8.30 PM
Place: His home, Kg.Nerang,Jerangau

The last pic that I snap a few days before he passed away. He died in the age of 71th.

Haji Naim Bin Abu Bakar
(160339 ~ 301210)

26 December 2010

500 BLOG !

Now Ben Ashaari is seeking for 500 BLOGS. Anyone interested to join just click
HERE. But it only valid until 27 December 2010 at 2pm.

I am Final Year Student at Islamic Science University of Malaysia in counseling course. I started in blogging when I am in Third Year in the university. I am attracted to have my own blog when I always get through other blogs.

Why I am blogging?
I choose to have my own blog because I would like to keep every single moments of my life in my blog. So that, I will never forget that memories. Besides, from blogging I will get many friends from various kind of state, background, level of age and others. Furthermore, I can share my experience with other people and get the feedback from them.


30 Jun 2007 menjadi titik permulaan kepada diriku sebagai seorang mahasiswa. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia menjadi medan perjuangan untukku menggengam segulung ijazah. Tarikh itu menyaksikan aku mendaftar sebagai salah seorang bakal graduan untuk sesi 2007-2011.

Kini 7 semester telah berjaya aku habiskan dengan sebaik mungkin. Alam praktikal di semester depan bakal melengkapkan pengajianku selama 8 semester. Yang pasti segala apa yang dah aku lalui selama 7 semester itu sangat bernilai dan istimewa. Bumi Nilai di tinggalkan dan Bandar Shah Alam menjadi titik tolak kepada perjuangan untuk menghabiskan praktikal. Semoga aku terus tabah dan maju ke hadapan dalam menempuh segala halangan dan cabaran yang bakal menjelma.

Jom layan segala kenangan2 pahit dan indah sepanjang aku berada di USIM. Yang terindah itu untuk di ingati dan yang pahit itu seharusnya di jadikan pengajaran.

"Kenangan2 Pahit di USIM"

1) Kena repeat presentation

Peristiwa ni berlaku ketika aku di semester 2. Sem ni aku dikehendaki untuk mengambil subjek "Leadership" yang mana ianya merupakan subjek wajib universiti. Bila kita dah ambil subjek ni, of courselah mmg tak boleh lari dari presentation. So, untuk presentation bagi subjek ni undian dibuat oleh tutor untuk menentukan giliran. Fuhhh...jgn lah naik no 1 alih2 sekali buka je kertas tu mmg bkn no 2, 7 atau last yg pasti mmg mataku tak rabun no 1 tertera disitu. Tersangatlah nervous time presentation ni sampaikan aku baca je apa yg ada kt depan mata time tu,sekali lps abis baca segala bahan kt depan tu kenalah bebelan free kt depan kelas hari tu. Sbg bonusnya dptlah merasa hadiah misteri yang tersangat best ni...."I want u to re-do again your presentation"...huhu

2) Di tangkap dalam mid-term exam

Peristiwa ni plk berlaku ketika aku di semester 3. Waktu ni tengah jawab mid-term kertas Teori Kaunseling. Preparation memang tak buat langsung apatah lagi nak belek buku yang tersangatlah tebal. So, time jawab exam tu mulalah tertoleh-toleh ke kiri ke kanan, nak dpt jawapanlah katakan. Kalau nk tunggu jwpn sendiri mmg tak mampu nk penuhkan kertas tu. Sekali aku toleh sebelah tiba2 lecturer kt depan dewan kuliyah pn sound "hah awak tiga orang kt belakang tu meniru ekh??? sila tulis nama kt kertas ni....glamerlah plk nama aku time ni. Apa yg lg dahsyat utk test tu kitaorg mmg tak dpt markah langsung...mujurlah dh cover byk markah kt part lain utk menghadirkan abjad ni "A-" kt slip exam...

3) Kena kunci pintu datang lambat

Cite ni plk berlaku masa di semester 4. First time kena belajar ngn lecturer foreigner dari Sudan. Ni kelas utk subjek wajib universiti Ulum Al-Quran. Dia punya kelas hari Jumaat kul 3 petang. Sekali hari tu sampai kelas dah kul 3.05, cubalah ketuk tapi mmg tak di layan langsung, jwpnnya pusing belakang, jalan ke depan dan balik rumah...huhu takkanlah nk duk kt dpn pintu tu smpai kul 5 kan????

4) Tertangkap sebab tak fokus kat depan

Yang ni plk masa semester 6. Waktu ni g kuliyyah lambat so duduklah line belakang sekali dalam dewan kuliyyah. Faham2 je lah klu dah duk blkg ni kan??? mmg xambil pusing sgt pn yg lecturer duk bebel kt depan tu. Punyalah syok time ni bukannya bercakap, bersembang dan gosip pn tapi aku duk lah layan tgk gmbr2 kt hset kwn..mmg tak fokus lah kt depan ni sekali tiba2 "kakak yg tudung purple kt blkg tu sila jwp soalan saya ni" huh mmg gelabah giler xtau nk jwp apa so diam je lah...

Itulah antara kenangan pahit yg masih segar dalam ingatan time ni, mungkin ade byk lagi tp dah xigt lah plk...takpe2 jom baca lagi kenangan2 aku kat bumi USIM ni...skrg kita cite yg manis2 plk ekh.....hehe

"Kenangan2 manis di USIM"

1) Dapat "Dean List".

Semester pertama menjadi pembuka tirai kepada pencapaian aku sebagai seorang mahasiswa. Mmg suasana exam di universiti berbeza ketika di alam persekolahan. Semuanya bergantung kepada kita, tiada lagi cikgu yang membantu. Alhamdulillah semester satu memberikan permulaan yg baik apabila aku berada di dalam "Dean List" untuk pencapaian semester tersebut. Yang bestnya pelajar2 yg berada di dlm list tersebut mnerima habuan lawatan sambil belajar ke Kota Singapura. Sangat teruja dan tak pernah terfikir pun utk smpai ke sana tp akhirnya smpai juga.

2) Handle program2 universiti

Bila sebut je pljr kaunseling, mmg tak blh lari dgn program2. Kitorg kena organize mcm2 program spjg berada di USIM. Antaranya Forum Anti Dadah Kebangsaan, Bengkel Seksual dan Perkahwinan, Pesta Konvokesyen dan sbgnya. Pengalaman ini sdikit sebanyak memberi pendedahan kepadaku dan rakan2 utk belajar dan menajamkan kemahiran utk organize program2 lain pada masa depan. Di samping itu, kitaorang dilatih juga dari aspek pembahagian tugas yg mana kitorang perlu bergerak dlm satu kelompok yg dipecahkan kepada bidang tugas masing2. Satu nilai kepuasan dpt dirasakan bila program itu berjalan lancar dan berjaya.

3) Mengaktifkan diri

Disini juga aku berpeluang mengaktifkan diri dgn join apa2 je aktiviti dan program yg aku rasakan best, minat memenuhi masa terluang. Aku lebih prefer dgn program yg berbentuk kokurikulum berbanding ngn kurikulum ni....dah mmg dasar suka main mana nk lynnya program berbentuk ceramah2 ni...huhu...Aku main netball utk kolej, main bowling utk fakulti, lwn futsal persahabatan kt UTM, larian obor, larian kmerdekaan dan mcm2 sgt2.

4) Tambah kenalan

Paling2 manis dlm diariku sbg seorang mahasiswa adalh aku berpeluang utk mgenali rkn2 dari serata negeri. Kalau sblm ni kt sekolah rendah or menengah mgkin kita hnya ada rkn2 dri ngeri yg sama tp bila dh smpai universiti dah dpt rkn2 dari ngeri lain plk. Best tau blh dgr mcm2 dialek baru. Walaupun kita dtg dari ngeri yg berbeza ianya tdk sdikit pn menghalang untukku dan rakan2 mjalinkan ikatan persahabatan. Di sini aku belajar dan di sini aku berkenalan. Buat teman2 ku terima kasih atas jalinan persahabatan ini. Sesungguhnya ianya terlalu indah utk kita semua. Walau di mana pun kita berada selepas ini hrpnya persahabatan ini tdk akn terhenti di sini. I will always remember all of you.

Itulah antara kenangan2 yg dah aku lalui selama 7 semester di bumi USIM. Segala kenangan ini akan terus terpahat di hati buat selama-lamanya...

23 December 2010


Alhamdulillah...after one semester trying my utmost with all the information,books and data, finally my project paper was finished.

First and foremost, I would like to express my praise and gratitude to the Almighty of Allah for giving me the inspiration and patience to finish this project paper successfully.

- My Academic Project -

This project already submitted to my supervisor on 20 December 2010. I feel happy and excited when this project finished. Now it's time for holiday...huhu...Even this project is not really great but I feel satisfied with it.

For this project paper my friends and I was divided into a few groups. Each group consist of six or seven students and one supervisor. Supervisor take the responsible to supervise all our work and guide us to finish this project paper.

- My Project Paper's Team -

Special thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Datin Dr. Hajjah Sapora Binti Sipon for her guidance, opinion, time, cooperation and assistance until this project completed successfully.

To my supervisee's team Nor Adila Binti Mohamed Faudzi, Nor Hamizah Binti Razak, Huda Binti Md. Yusoff, Siti Fatimah Binti Yusuff and Mohd Fahrizal Asmy Bin Mohd Ali, thanks a lot for the support and helped to finish this project. Congrats....We are the best!!!

Salam Sayonara to "Bumi USIM". Next semester which is the last semester as a degree students, my friends and I will be in practical area in various kind of organizations. All the best and gud luck to all my friends...

16 December 2010


With the sighting of the new moon the Islamic new year is ushered in.The first month Muharram, is a month of great reward and virtue. Muharram itself means `sacred' and is from those months which have been mentioned as sacred in the Holy Quraan.

Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quraan:

"Four of them ( Zil-Qadah, Zil-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab) are sacre
(Surah At-Tawbah:36)

From out of the four sacred months, Muharram has been blessed with certain specific virtues:-
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) said:

"The best of fasts besides the month of Ramadhan is the fasting of Allah's month of Muharram."

Although the fasts of the month of Muharram are not obligatory, the one who fasts in these days out of his own will and choice is entitled to a great reward by Almighty Allah.

Although the month of Muharram is a sacred month as a whole, the 10 th of Muharram is the most sacred among all its days. The day is named ‘Ashurah'. It is one of the most important and blessed days of Allah in the Islamic calendar.

According to the Holy companion, Ibn Abbas Radhiallaho Anhu, when the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam migrated to Madinah, he found that the Jews of Madinah used to fast on the 10 th day of Muharram. They said that it was the day on which the Holy Prophet Musa Alayhis Salaam and his followers crossed the Red Sea miraculously, and the Pharaoh was drowned in its water. On hearing this from the Jews, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam said, “We are more closely related to Musa than you.” So the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam directed the Muslims to fast on the day of Ashura. (Abu Dawood)

According to another Hadith, it is more advisable that the fast of Ashura should be either preceeded or suceded by an additional fast. It means that one should fast two days: the 9 th and 10 th of Muharram or the 10 th and 11 th . The reason of this additional fast as mentioned by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam is that the Jews used to fast on the day of Ashura alone, and the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam wanted to distinguish the Islmaic-way of fasting from that of the Jews. Therefore, he advised the Muslims to add another fast to the day of Ashura. SOURCE: HERE

11 December 2010


A good friend is someone we can count on, as well as being so much more.
A friend is someone with whom we can relax and just hang out, have fun and share our innermost thoughts, deep dark secrets, lofty and noble goals, or our hopes, joys, and fears.

A good friend allows you a safe space to share your deepest thoughts and needs without worry of being judged, criticized or made to feel silly for feeling the way you do.
Friends cheer each other on, laugh and cry together, and just plain commiserate and listen to each other.

That's why friends are friends....

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship,you really haven't learned anything.

07 December 2010


Salam Maal Hijrah 1432
Wishing You Happy Memories Of The Past And A Great Beginning
For The Coming Of HIJRAH 1432

06 December 2010


Today, I sign in as usual. But it does not mean that I want to write my new entry bcoz there have no story to share. Actually I want to reply all comments in my previous entry, then when I scroll into blog archive it show that I already have 99 entries in my blog. It make me smile and I have an idea to make a new entry....huhu.

Lets joining me in my 100 entry for my blog...

This blog already create by my younger sister on April 2009 since I love to write whatever I have experience in my life. She the one who introduced me in blogging world. She gave a full support and taught me on whatever I don't understands about blogging. Now, this blog already one and half years old. Thanks a lot to my dear Farahim.

Why I am blogging?
The one and only reason that I can gave on that time was I want to keep all experiences and memories from lost. As we grow older our memories that have experience before might be forgotten. So, using this blog I can write and keep it as my diary. That was my reason that I can gave on that time.

Now, if people ask me why I am blogging, I can gave a lot of reasons. You know why? From blogging I can share my experiences with other blogger. I also can get a new knowledge and information that I never know before. It really meaningful for me as a new blogger.

What is the best thing in blogging?
For me, the best thing in blogging is I can have a lot of friends even I never know them personally. It begin by only a silent reader, then left a short greet in the shoutbox and follow by leave a comment in the entry. It show on how the friendship through blogging begin. It just a simple way of friendship but really precious. Thanks to all blogger for this friendship especially K.Nur, K.Nadiah, K.Mizah, K.Yong, Cik Tom, my dear friend Waheeda, Umi, Adila, Tihin, Fahrizal and everyone who come to my blog.

For this time this blog already have 33 followers, even a small numbers but I really appreciate all of them. Thanks for being my super followers. All of you give a support and strength for me to success in blogging. I'm still new and many things that I need to learn for future.

04 December 2010


Masa untuk menyiapkan projek akhir tinggal lagi seminggu saya dan rakan-rakan terpaksa berhempas pulas, bersengkang mata, kurangkan tido untuk menyiapkan tugasan ini. Apa yang menariknya hari ini, kitaorang decide nak tukar mood untuk buat kerja2 kt McD. Kalau sebelum ni buat kat kmpus or library, tapi pertukaran enviroment diperlukan bagi menghilangkan segala macam perasaan boring, mengantuk dan malas...huhu...

Jom layan SPSS@McD...

Date: 4 Disember 2010
Time: 10am - 3pm
Location: Mc Donald Bandar Baru Nilai

Aroma bau-bauan ditambahkan lagi ngan gambar2 makanan dipersekitaran kitaorang mengundang perut yang lapar. Maklumlah awal pagi lagi kitaorang dah terpacak depan McD, breakfast pun tak sempat nak jamah lagi. Apalagi sebelum bermulanya sesi ber "SPSS" ni kitaorang pun layanlah menu2 yg kat dalam gambar tu. Bak kata pepatah "Gendang gendut tali kecapi, kenyang perut suka hati"...hehe...Tersangatlah suka kan kalau perut dah kenyang klu tak monyok jer jgn smpai tak larat nak buka mata dah almaklumlah pagi masih muda...haha. Maka bermulalah kerja2 kitaorang dgn segala bagai data dilingkari wayar2 laptop sana-sini.

Ketekunan ber "SPSS" menyebabkan kitaorang tak terasa jam dah menginjak ke pukul 1.30pm. Apalagi intai2 kt dlm Mcd, screen menu makanan yg breakfast dah bertukar ke Mc Value Lunch. So, apalagi, tentulah perut minta diisi untuk sesi tengahari plk...hmm McD lagilah nampaknya coz kitaorang xbalik lg. So, pergilah order utk lunch plk. Dah ala-ala Mat Salleh plk pagi petang duk sumbat ngan fast food mcm ni. Agaknya perut pun terkejut apa kes ngan tuan dia ni pagi petang duk makan Mcd, dah tak ingat nasi ke?? Seriously, mmg saya tak pernah lagi buat kerja2 mcmni, klu nk mkn pn just jarang2 jer. Sebenarnya tak bagus untuk kesihatan benda2 macam ni, jadi jgnlah contohi yer...Pesanan penaja: Amalkan pemakanan sihat dan seimbang...hehe..

Inilah wajah2 ceria di pagi hari menghiasi Mcd ngan segala bagai kertas dan laptop2. Time ni semua dah smpai chapter 4 kecuali si Fahrizal yang bertindak sbg "Professor SPSS" untuk ajar mana2 yg tak tau coz dia dah siap awal lagi, so sukalah sbb tinggal satu chapter jer lagi yg perlu dibereskan.Tak sia2 duk McD dari pagi smpai ke petang . Korang ade pengalaman tak buat discussion or assignment kt McD mcm kitaorang, jomlah share2...hehe..

30 November 2010


Menjadi seorang Pegawai Psikologi bukanlah cita- cita yang di idamkam. Minat yang mendalam dalam bidang bahasa menutup minatku untuk berkecimpung dalam bidang2 lain. Tapi kita hanya merancang Tuhan yang menentukan segala-galanya.

Borang tawaran kemasukan ke universiti tiga tahun yang lalu ku isi dengan penuh yakin berharap agar pilihan2 teratas berjaya merealisasikan impianku. Tapi keputusan tawaran masuk ke universiti tidak berpihak kepadaku bilamana kursus yang tidak pernah aku minati tertera di surat tawaran. Aku di pilih untuk mengikuti kursus kaunseling. Aku pasrah dengan keputusan itu dan berharap agar ada hikmah yang tersembunyi di sebaliknya.

Tawaran itu menempatkan aku di dalam kursus kaunseling bersama dengan 61 orang pelajar yang lain. Perasaan sedih memang tak dapat di sembunyikan apabila sesi berkenalan bersama pensyarah2 dan rakan2 baru mengkehendaki kita menceritakan serba sedikit tentang kursus yang di ambil itu samaada memang yang kita nak atau dapat. Suka atau tak yang pasti aku dah melangkah ke bidang ini bilamana aku mendaftar sebagai pelajar di universiti itu.

Sekarang aku dah berada di tahun akhir pengajian. Tempoh 4 tahun telah banyak mengubah pendirian aku tentang kursus ini. Sokongan dari kaum keluarga, pensyarah2 dan rakan2 menjadikan aku seorang yang kuat untuk berdepan dengan cabaran itu. Tidak lama lagi aku akan memulakan praktikal dalam bidang ini. Harapnya aku akan berjaya melalui proses tersebut dan berjaya untuk menjawat jawatan sebagai Pegawai Psikologi pada masa akan datang.

Siapa itu Pegawai Psikologi???

Sejarah kewujudan Pegawai Psikologi di JPA bermula pada tahun 1992 dengan tertubuhnya Unit Psikologi dan Kaunseling. Unit ini kemudiannya berkembang menjadi Bahagian pada tahun 1998.

Pegawai Psikologi kini telah ditempatkan disemua kementerian, pejabat SUK Negeri, Kolej Komuniti, Pasukan Polis Diraja Malaysia, Jabatan Kebajikan Daerah dan di JPA sendiri. Skim ini dilihat bakal berkembang sejajar dengan perkembangan perkhidmatan awam itu sendiri. Apabila modal insan menjadi pokok persoalan maka kejuruteraan insan itu dengan sendirinya akan berkembang.

Pegawai psikologi sebagai jurutera insan harus memainkan peranan yang lebih ampuh bagi membuktikan keperluan kepada perkhidmatan ini bukan hanya di atas kertas tetapi merupakan keperluan mutlak dalam perkhidmatan awam. Sumber : HERE

a. Jawatan : Pegawai Psikologi

b. Gred : S41

c. Kumpulan : Pengurusan dan Profesional

d. Kem./Jab. : Pelbagai Kementerian/ Jabatan

e. Jadual Gaji :

P1T1 RM1688.89 - P1T27 RM4638.89
P2T1 RM1783.51 - P2T27 RM4917.16
P3T1 RM1882.31 - P3T27 RM5219.23


i) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dalam bidang psikologi atau psikologi klinikal atau kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T3]; ATAU

ii) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dalam bidang sains tingkahlaku berserta Diploma Psikologi Kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T3]; ATAU

iii) Ijazah Sarjana dalam bidang psikologi atau psikologi klinikal atau kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T7]; ATAU

iv) Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D) dalam bidang psikologi atau psikologi klinikal atau kaunseling yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya.
[Gaji Permulaan ialah pada Gred S41: P1T10]; DAN

iv) lulus B.M (termasuk lulus Ujian Lisan) pada peringkat SPM atau kelulusan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya oleh Kerajaan.

Deskripsi Tugas

Bertanggungjawab merancang, melaksana dan menyelaras aktiviti-aktiviti berkaitan bidang psikologi/ psikologi klinikal/ kaunseling kepada klien. Sumber : HERE

psssttt:- praktikal pn belum mula lg...dh berangan nk jd Pegawai Psikologi...huhu

25 November 2010


Exam comes again...tomorrow will be my final exam. After one semester came to lecture and tutorial, now it's time to be test my achievement for this semester.

This semester, I'm in Semester 7. It means that this is the last exam that I will sit as a degree students. Next semester, which is the last semester I will be in practical area. So, no more exam...huhu

For this semester, I took three subjects including Current Social Issues, Moral Rehabilitation Counseling and Workplace Counseling. Even only three subjects, but it quite tough to me. You know why??? This three subjects will test on how far my understanding to deal with a various kinds of clients with various of problems. Therefore, I need to make a treatment plan for them.

It sound difficult, but I'm trying my best to answer it very well. Hopefully, the question is easy and I can answer it with a good answer. To all my lovely frenz, Counseling Fourth Year Student "All the best and Gud Luck". Pray for my success!!!

Don't forget to recite the doa before answer the questions....hihi...

Ya Allah, bukakanlah ke atas kami hikmatMu
dan limpahilah ke atas kami khazanah rahmatMu,
wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Wahai Tuhanku, tambahkanlah ilmuku dan luaskanlah kefahamanku.
Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah dadaku dan mudahkanlah urusanku


psssttt:- hrp2 lah mlm ni tdo dpt mimpi indah ngn soalan2 yg akn kuar esok...huhu...

23 November 2010


23/11/2010...such a nice date rite??? But I think it will be not really nice to some of Form Five students and Upper Six Students. It is because this morning they will be facing with a bigger exam in their life as a students.

The beginning of two major exam in Malaysia which are Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) will be starting this morning. All candidates of SPM and STPM are u ready???

Two years of preparation including learning in the classroom, attending an extra class, made a revision, finishing homework, and some more. All candidates will use all skills and knowledge that they have learn before to give the best answers in the exam.

For all candidates especially my younger brother wish u "May all the luck be with u and wish u all the very best and great achievement in the exam".

What is the best wish and advice that u will give if u have any family members who will be facing in the exam???

21 November 2010


Yesterday 20/11/2010 was my best friend's engagement. While other people in the mood of Aidiladha celebration, my friends choose to have an engagement ceremony on that date. It such a simple and nice ceremony to celebrate her day. Delicious "Nasi Minyak" was served to all the guests and bring along with beautiful souvenir.

Pink colour was chosen as her "pelamin" while the gift in brown colour to the man side. But in the pic above was the gift from man side in blue theme to the woman side. It look really beautiful and crowded with a lot of flowers.

My best friends, Nor Zuliana Bt Zunaini in her engagement's day. Such a queen and gorgeous in brown colour. She is my best friends when I'm in Upper Six. Graduate from UPM last October in Degree of Arabic Language. For you, I really proud to have you as my best friends. Hope this friendship will be forever and ever.

The pics with her fiancee and future mother in law. Are u nervous that time???Hehe...By the way everything going through smoothly. Alhamdulillah, now u already holding a status of fiancee to such a great man that u choose.

Dearest my friend, wish u Happy Engagement for both of u Nor Zuliana Binti Zunaini and Mohd Noor Bin Haji Nawi. Hope this relationship bring a lot of happiness and blessing from God always in your future life.

18 November 2010


My lovely reader, wish u Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. What are u doing during this raya? Hope u enjoy the celebration as well. For me, it really happening...early in the morning after subuh prayer, take a bath for "Mandi Sunat Aidiladha". Then, prepare myself with a new clothes to pray "Solat Sunat Aidiladha" at Masjid Kg. Jerangau.

At 10.30 am, "Ibadah Korban" started at my village. As usual, I went to that place to see the process of slaughtering. My mom was one who took part in this "Korban" which involving a cow. There also have other people who took buffalo as their "Korban". Whatever animal they choose as long as "Halal" to eat as Muslim, they can have in slaughter's process.

A cow already been slaughter by "Pak Imam". Before doing this process, we need to ensure that knife that will use during the process is really sharp. So that, it made the process become easier and one of the reason to ensure that animal was not painful.

Finishing the process of slaughter, the dividing of meat have done. All members were divide fairly consistency with the weight of cow. Then, we back to home with the meat. At home, my mom divide meat to give to our neighbors or villagers around my house. My younger brother and I doing this task to sent the meat house by house. It really exciting and I enjoy doing that.

At the kitchen, my mom and other aunts doing the task of cooking the meat. What menu to be cook of the meat. Hmmmm...various kind of dishes be prepared by my mom and other aunt. The first one in the pic above was "Sup Tulang"

The second one "Daging Bakar". Can you imagine my uncle doing this during afternoon. So hot that time and it made our body full with sweat. But, it does not matter because the "Daging Bakar" was served during lunch time.

The last dishes from that meat was "Daging Goreng Kunyit". Hmmm, various of dishes have served during this Aidiladha. What is your favourite dishes if u want to cook meat? It will be different each of you according to our taste rite???

psssttt:- klu nak tau...adik beradik saya mmg tak makan daging..sgt2 rugi kan??? hehe

17 November 2010


Wukuflah pada kbaikan,
Tawaflah pd keindahan,
Saielah pd khdupan,
Lontarlah jamrah kjahatan,
Dan cukurlah dosa kesalahan.

Pengorbanan IBRAHIM patut dicontohi,
Ketaatan ISMAIL wajar diikuti,
Kesetiaan HAJAR lambang kasih sejati,
Bersama hayati erti pengorbanan sebenar.

Salam Aidiladha
Mohon Ampun & Maaf

16 November 2010


Ingatkah kita kepada satu tarikh dimana Umat2 Islam Di Mekah yang mengerjakan Rukun Islam Kelima sedang wukuf di Arafah??? Hari ini kita berada di 9 Zulhijjah yang mana ianya di kenali sebagai Hari Arafah.

Hari Arafah adalah hari yang kesembilan dari bulan Zulhijjah yang mana bagi jemaah haji mereka diwajibkan berada di padang Arafah untuk wuquf di sana.

Daripada Sayyidatina ‘Aisyah bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang ertinya : Tiada daripada hari yang lebih ramai daripada membebaskan Allah padanya hamba daripada neraka daripada hari Arafah. Dan sesungguhNya akan mengasihani, kemudian Dia bangga depan malaikat maka Dia bertanya : Apakah yang dikehendaki oleh mereka itu?

Bagi mereka yang tidak mengerjakan ibadat haji, disunatkan berpuasa. Pada hari ini juga disunatkan untuk mengumandangkan takbir.

Kelebihan berpuasa pada hari ini ialah ia dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa setahun yang telah lalu dan dosa setahun yang akan datang, sebagaimana hadith yang telah diriwayatkan daripada Abu Qatadah al-Anshari ra:

Dan Rasulullah SAW ditanya tentang berpuasa di hari ‘Arafah. Maka Baginda bersabda: “Ia menebus dosa setahun yang telah lalu dan setahun yang akan datang.” (Hadith Riwayat Imam Muslim)

Manakala bagi mereka yang melakukan ibadah haji pula adalah disunatkan untuk tidak berpuasa pada hari ‘Arafah dan adalah menyalahi perkara yang utama jika mereka berpuasa juga pada hari itu berdasarkan apa yang diriwayatkan dari Ummu al-Fadhl binti al-Harith:

Ramai di kalangan sahabat Rasulullah SAW yang ragu-ragu tentang berpuasa pada hari ‘Arafah sedangkan kami berada di sana bersama Rasulullah SAW, lalu aku membawa kepada Baginda satu bekas yang berisi susu sewaktu Baginda berada di ‘Arafah lantas Baginda meminumnya. (Hadith Riwayat Imam Muslim).

psssttt:- Selamat berpuasa kpd semua yg berpuasa hari ini, entry ni di tulis lps bersahur smbil2 nk tunggu masuk wktu subuh..hehe

15 November 2010


Finally, a gift from K.Nur arriving at my home this evening. A gift for what?? Maybe you already forgot rite but don't worry just refer to this entry Yeay...I Am One Of The Winner.

You know what I got...lets see the pic above. One colourful nice rite. Actually I love to keep and collect many types of bracelet. So, this one will add my bracelet's collection. By the way thanks to K.Nur for this gift and much appreciated.

13 November 2010


I'm home Raya's leave begin. By 3PM I already arrived at my home. So, what's going on with this leave? Raya..raya...

Maybe certain people just say Aidiladha is not happening like Aidilfitri but for my family both of celebration will be celebrate with our own way. My schedule on Raya will be back to my grandparent's house, visiting other relative and the most important is my mom or my dad will join "Ibadah Korban".

For this year, my mom take part for this "Ibadah Korban" with other six members around my house. So, lets join me to see the slaughtering's process...hehe. If you feel scared to blood don't get near because it can make people vomitt, headaches or maybe fainted.

Through this leave, I must be aware with my study too because final exam will be starting after this raya. Reading book, make note, memorize facts and whatever that relate with the exam.

Mostly people will not be back to their hometown because there have no leave during this raya. It is not enough for one or two days to be back to hometown especially to those who stay far from hometown. However, whenever you are, just enjoy yourself.

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A daughter, a sister & a degree holder in Bachelor of Counseling (Hons.)..above all, a Muslim.. :)
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