
27 December 2011


Tahun 2011 bakal meninggalkan kita dalam masa beberapa hari je lagi. Terlalu pantas masa beredar melewati bilah-bilah hari di sepanjang tahun 2011. Apa yang pasti tempoh setahun itu telah melakarkan pelbagai kenangan pahit manis suka dan duka dalam kehidupan kita. Alhamdulillah juga kerana masih di panjangkan umur untuk terus bernafas dan melalui hari-hari lalu dengan sebaik mungkin.

Menyingkap kembali takbir 2011, pelbagai perkara telah berlaku dan di lalui untuk menghabiskan tempoh setahun itu. Jom lihat apa yang telah di coret dan di singkap di dalam 'It's My Life' edisi 2011.

Overall, pelbagai cerita dan perkara berlaku di sepanjang tahun 2011. Selamat tinggal 2011, moga segala apa yang di lalui mengajar kita untuk terus maju ke hadapan. Selamat datang 2012, moga tahun ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

16 December 2011


We’re graduating

Into our future,
Only the best.
Spreading our wings now,
We’ll do great things now,
Meet every challenge,
Pass every test.

We’ll overcome whatever life hands us,
Use what we learned here
For our success.
We’ll bloom wherever
Our journey lands us,
Reaching our goal of
Sweet happiness.

Friendships unbroken
Are what we made here;
Though words aren’t spoken,
Feelings are strong.
Memories we treasure
Tie us together,
Recalling pleasure
All our lives long.

We’re thankful for our
Good education;
Our univesity and lecturers
Are second to none.
We'd like to give them
We learned a lot, and
We thank everyone.

(By Joanna Fuchs)

12 December 2011


Entri konvo xhabis lg saya nk tempek gmbr2 konvo versi outdoor plk. Igt org kahwin je ade gmbr outdoor, saya punya konvo pun ada versi outdoor taw...huhu.

Ke manakah lokasi dipilih?? Since majlis konvokesyen dah berlangsung dgn jayanya kt PICC, so kitaorang xperlulah susah2 nk fikir tempat mana yg mnarik utk jd pic outdoor krn kt Putrajaya ni mmg terkenal dgn bangunan2, tasik dan persekitaran yang cantik.

Semestinya ramai org akn memilih utk ke kwsn bgnn pentadbiran, masjid dan juga jambatan kt Putrajaya ni kan utk merakam gmbr mereka tp kami plk memilih sebuah taman di Presint 11.

Date: 6 Disember 2011
Location: Taman Saujana Hijau

Taman Saujana Hijau ni terletak di Presint 11, Putrajaya. Tempat ini boleh dikategorikan tempat yg agak mnarik krn pemandangannya seolah-olah di luar negara. Ianya terbahagi kepada 3 Bustan iaitu Bustan Inggeris, Bustan Eropah dan Bustan Oriental. Nak habiskan ketiga2 bustan itu memanglah penat krn satu2 kwsn mmg luas.

Saya dan dua rakan yg lain hanya sempat ke Bustan Inggeris sahaja kerana kami smpai dh waktu tengahri tambahan lagi dah xlarat nak menapak naik ke ats utk ke Bustan yg lain.

Ape yg ada kt Bustan Inggeris ni ialah ianya di kelilingi dgn pokok pain yg tinggi di tanam di sepanjang laluan pengunjung. Pokok Pain ini mempunyai daun yg halus spt jarum.

Selain itu, di dalam Bustan Inggeris ini juga di tanam dgn pokok2 buluh yg sgt cantik. Tak rupa mcm buluh kat Malaysia pun kalau tak silap buluh Jepun kot...

Keadaan waktu ni mmg dah panas terik krn kami smpai betul2 waktu tengahri. Tapi di sebabkan nk bgambar punya pasal layankan ajer...huhu

Ini pula adalah tangga utk smpai ke Bustan yg lain. Byk jugalah tangga2 yg perlu di panjat utk smpai ke Bustan yg lain. Kitaorang mmg dah xlarat just naik setakat yg mampu jer...alih2 bgambar kt tangga then terus decide utk balik.

Lagi 2 bustan bila agknya mau pergi yer??? Kat atas sana lg cantik siap ade bunga-bunga lagi. Hopefully dpt mjejaki ke sana plk pasni.

08 December 2011


At last the day that I have been waiting whole this time was finally arrived. Its such a sweet and memorial moments.

Event: My Graduation Day
Date: 3 December 2011
Session: Evening
Time: 2- 5 Pm
Location: Putrajaya International Convention Center (PICC)
No: 475 from 1196 students

Today as I graduate
Please don't cheer for me alone,
There are so many I must honor
For I couldn't arrive here on my own.

Its so touching when I started reached the scroll on my hands.

I'm proud to be a degree holder.

Mom, Me, Dad, Younger Sis, (Missing: my youngest bro - currently at Pahang Matriculation College)

Thank you to my precious family

For your prayerful support,
The nurture given all my days
As my best you gladly sought.

My aunties and cousin who always support in all situation. To those family members who can't attended for this special day, thanks for all prayer.

Thank you to all lecturers
For the wisdom shown every day to me,
Teaching me, not just academics
But how character should be.

Thank you to my special friends
For your friendship, care and fun,
All the great times we have shared
Are we almost sad this day has come.

Yeay I got 3 bouquets of chocolate not flowers...k !!!!! T-Shirt, Blouse and Kain Pasang too. Thanks and much appreciated.

So, as I stand up now to graduate
You all share in this honor today,
And from my heart I gratefully say
May God give you all,
The worlds most beautiful bouquet.

(credit: Derry's Heart)

03 December 2011


Filem2 dan drama2 di negara kita pada masa ini banyak diadaptasi dari novel. Sebagai pembaca novel yang setia, apabila diwar-warkan akn dikeluarkan filem atau drama dari karya novelis2 di negara kita, saya pastinya tdk mlepaskan peluang utk menontonnya. Ini kerana, saya berasa tertarik untuk melihat pembawakan watak yang cuba ditonjolkan melalui tulisan kepada lakonan para pelakon terpilih.

Cerita terbaru yang sedang rancak ditayangkan di pawagam2 mulai 1 Disember yang lalu telah pun selamat ditonton. Filem Ombak Rindu yang diadaptasi dari novel Ombak Rindu karya Fauziah Ashaari bisa meruntun emosi para penonton.

Secara keseluruhannya, filem ini memang memberi penekanan kepada watak2 penting dalam novel tersebut. Semua pelakon berjaya membawakan watak masing2 dengan baik sekali. Tapi dari segi penceritaan dalam novel dan filem ada yang diubah pada babak2 tertentu. Ini pastinya menarik para penonton untuk mengikuti filem ini sehingga ke akhirnya supaya mereka faham akn jalan cerita tersebut.

Dalam filem ini jugalah kita dpt melihat bagaimana kesudahan filem ini dan adakah menepati citarasa para penggemar novel.

psssttt: mcm byk sgt je skrg ni cite2 yg diadaptasi dari novel.

01 December 2011


Lagi 2hari saya dan rakan2 seperjuangan akn diraikan dlm istiadat penuh bersejarah setelah berjaya menamatkan pengajian dengan jayanya.

Untuk memastikan kelancaran sepanjang majlis nanti, satu sesi raptai telah diadakan sbgmana berikut:

Date: 1 Nov 2011
Location: Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC)
Event: USIM Convocation's Rehearsal

Kalau bakal pengantin sibuk amik gmbr2 Pre-Wedding diaorang sebelum tiba hari langsun
gnya, saya dan rakan2 pula sibuk2 nk buat gmbr Pre-Convo plk...hehe

Here we go...

- amik feel time bratur sebelum masuk dewan -

- cuba2 menggayakan pakaian rasmi konvokesyen -

- wajah2 keletihan setelah seharian beraptai -

psssttt:- 2hari lagi...huhu

29 November 2011


Hari Konvokesyen pastinya menjadi detik yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh sesiapa saja yang bergelar graduan. Mana taknya kan?? Setelah bergelumang dengan kuliah, tutorial, presentation mahupun assignment dan kini semua itu sudah berakhir.

InsyaAllah, lagi empat hari saya dan rakan-rakan bakal melalui detik itu. Keterujaan pasti tidak dapat disembunyikan lagi setelah penat lelah selama 4tahun di menara gading telah berjaya dilalui dengan sebaik mungkin.

Tidak dinafikan pelbagai cabaran dan halangan terpaksa dilalui untuk mencapai ke tahap ini. Alhamdulillah kerana segalanya sudah sampai ke penamat dan hanya menanti hari bersejarah itu.

Topi, Hud dan Jubah semua dah bersiap sedia utk dipakai ni...hehe

- Topi -

- Hud -

- Jubah -

Selamat berkonvo untuk semua teman-teman sepengajianku. Kejayaan hari ini tidak mampu digapai tanpa usaha yang berterusan.

27 November 2011


Waktu terus berlalu namun
Rahmat, Berkat & Hidayah Allah tetap berterusan.
Semoga lembaran baru ini dapat memberi keinsafan dengan kesalahan yang lalu.
Jadikanlah tahun ini lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya.

Salam Maal Hijrah 1433H

06 November 2011


30 October 2011


Salah Satu Kekuasaan ALLAH meletakkan Keajaiban2 didalam Angka2...

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
... 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12 345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10 = 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321


20 October 2011


It's fun...try this...

Happy, Passionate, Caring, Thoughtful

How about u??? Share with me...hehe...

11 October 2011


As I promised in the previous entry, I will continue with the places that I visited before we left Pangkor Island. In Pangkor Island, pink coloured taxi vans which about 10 seated are available for most part of the day to take us around. Here are some places that we already visited while in Pangkor Island.

1) Kilang Satay Ikan Hai Seng Hin

We went over to Hai Seng Hin factory to buy seafood products. Hai Seng Hin was established as a family business way back in 1969. Over the years the company had became very famous for their seafood snacks, mainly the processed cuttlefish (kerepek sotong), satay fish, fish fillet and satay fish crisp. - Samyeap. Com -

2) Fu Lin Kong Temple

Fu Lin Kong Temple at the foot of the Pangkor hill in Sungai Pinang Besar village, we found this famous Taoist temple. It has the famous miniature replica of the Great Wall of China. In the temple, we saw hand-painted rocks, paintings, artifacts and on the roof, we found the twelve zodiac signs of the Chinese. - -

3) Kota Belanda

One of the main attractions of Pangkor Island, this structure is actually the remains and stone foundations of 300 years old fort builded by the dutch in year 1670. Located at Teluk Gedung, this fort was one of the dutch strongholds built to repel pirates and local malays. It was abandoned after a sucessful attacked by a local warrior, Panglima Kulub and his followers. In 1973, National Museum undertook the fort reconstruction. - -

4) Pangkor Island Jetty

It is a concrete jetty at Pangkor Island. While waiting for the ferry to depart, we took some photos of the jetty and the surroundings. Around 2.15 pm ferry arrived and we left Pangkor Island.

05 October 2011


When U Were Only 5 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U...

U Asked Me: "What Is It?"

When U ...Were 15 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U....

U Blushed.. U Look Down And Smile..

When U Were 20 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U....

U Put Ur Head On My Shoulder And Hold My Hand.. Afraid That I Might Dissapear..

When U Were 25 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U....

U Prepare Breakfast And Serve It In Front Of Me, And Kiss My Forhead N

Said : "U Better Be Quick, It’s Gonna Be Late.."

When U Were 30 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U....

U Said: "If U Really Love Me, Please Come Back Early After Work.."

When U Were 40 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U....

U Were Cleaning The Dining Table And Said: "Ok Dear, But It’s Time For U To Help Our Child With His/Her Revision.."

When U Were 50 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U....

U Were Knitting And U Laugh At Me..

When U Were 60 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U....

U Smile At Me..

When U Were 70 Yrs Old. I Said I Love U....

We Sitting On The Rocking Chair With Our Glasses On.. I’m Reading Your Love Letter That U Sent To Me 50 Yrs Ago..With Our Hand Crossing Together..

When U Were 80 Yrs Old, U Said U Love Me!

I Didn’t Say Anything But Cried.

By: Benson Philip

30 September 2011


- DAY 1 -

Around 9.00 am, we leave Shah Alam for a leadership camp to Pangkor Island. Three hours of journey before arrived at Jetty Lumut. We paid for ticket and took a ferry to Island. While arriving, a group of van with a pink colour brought us to our camp.

Check in at Raudah Camp for our room. After that, briefing session focused on our program's schedule. Then, divide all members by group before started the first activity. The first activity all group need to find their group's name and create their group's logo. Settled down for the first activity we walked to the beach for swimming.

At night, all of us made the presentation for what we already done in the first activity. Finished that part, it was time to sleep before started the other activity for tomorrow.

- DAY 2 -

In the morning, the activity begin with Jungle Trekking. 2hours walked through the jungle, my friends and I met with various kinds of insect and plants.

While in the evening, all of us took a boat for the next activity. Most of us feel excited to join that activity which is Snorkeling. By doing that activity we can view many kinds of fish and it really amazing.

After Isya', motivation slot focused on "Leadership". What actually leadeship is all about?.This theme was chosen because it was a Leadership Camp where the members came with the positon of club president, class monitor and some more.

Finished that part, it was time for Barbeque. Fish, chicken and also cockle added with nasi goreng was the menu for that nite. Before sleep, a few of us choose to have a karaoke session.

- DAY 3 -

It was the time for aerobic early in the morning. With a sleepy face, all of us do that activity. Finished breakfast, the last activity "LDK". All of us sit in group and made a discussion about the input and output for this camp.

The ends...officially the camp was finished by speech from Ketua Jabatan. All of us made a line for shake hands session.

Before leave this place, we had a photography session with all the members and lectures. All done...going back to our home.

psssttt:- o ye xbalik terus pun ni, kitaorg dibawa pusing2 mengelilingi pulau ini dgn mnaiki van pink itu...hehe. Ke mana kami mlwt??? next entry yer...

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A daughter, a sister & a degree holder in Bachelor of Counseling (Hons.)..above all, a Muslim.. :)
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